If you’re reading this email, odds are you understand the stakes of our race here in IL-06 and this entire election.
I don’t need to bombard you with scaremongering screeds about how we’re constantly on the verge of defeat (unless you donate your hard-earned money, of course), or invent stories about pet-eating and spooky migrant caravans.
I respect you more than that.
The last thing I want is for you to roll your eyes when you see my name in your inbox.
In that spirit, I’m not going to claim your donations will fix our broken democracy or stop sea level rise.
But I will say this: Your grassroots dollars have so much more power than you realize.
Your contributions help us print yard signs, fund our get-out-the-vote operation, get our ads on the airwaves, pay our staff a living wage, and so, so much more. They’re the fuel that keeps our engine running.
For reasons you likely already know, we are in the fight of our lives. Remember: You don’t have to donate $5 trillion to make a difference — just $5 could change everything in an election this close.
Thank you for being a part of this team,