Hi Fellow Conservative, 

Do you think Republicans should keep control of the House? Should they be working to expand their lead in 2025? Should they be fighting to implement Trump’s Make America Great Again Agenda? 

I do, and that is why I am asking for your help right now to send conservative Neil Parrott to Congress.

Neil is running in Maryland's sixth district, and Fox News called his race one of the 5 races that will determine control of the house, and it's one of the 8 races targeted by the House Freedom Fund. It's imperative that Neil Parrott gets our help to get across the finish line.

Recent independent polls have Neil in the lead - but he's up against a multimillionaire radical liberal who worked in the Biden-Harris administration. Even though she doesn't live in the district, she's willing to slander Neil and lie about his record and accomplishments. If she wins, she'll be a rubber stamp for the Democrats' dangerous agenda: unlimited government spending, dangerous open borders and authoritarian restrictions on the free speech and gun rights of peaceful, tax-paying citizens like you. 


While everyone is rightly focused on the most important presidential race in our country's history, we must also focus on winning important House races - it's crucial to keep the Republicans in control of Congress. As Republicans, we can't give up the fight to:

→ Tame government spending and get inflation under control
Secure our border and stop non-citizens from voting
→ Protect our cherished rights to free speech and self defense\

We need Republicans in Congress. We need to elect freedom-loving patriots like my friend Neil Parrott.

Neil needs your support now, to combat the lies from his opponent, can you give $5 right now?


Neil is a man of honor and integrity. He tells the truth even when it's inconvenient, and does what's right even when he gets flack for it. In his 12 years of service in Maryland's House of Delegates

→ He never once voted for a tax or fee increase
→ He sued the state to end tyrannical covid lockdowns
→ He fought Maryland's illegal gerrymandered maps... and WON
→ He's fought against free college and driver's license for illegals 
He's fought against sanctuary policies that protect violent criminals

Neil is an engineer. He likes to solve problems and is always willing to work with anyone to get things done, just like he did in a Democratic supermajority legislature in Maryland.

He's a small business owner, a swim coach, and a family man who raised his kids in the district he wants to represent. He's the perfect person to join me in Congress to fight tooth and nail for everyday Americans.

We have 40 days left until Election Day, and early voting has already begun. Time is running out. Neil needs our help against the Democratic party's multimillionaire candidate and her rich leftist mega donors - they will do who anything to hold on to this seat.

Your support right now is CRITICAL to turning out the voters Neil needs to ultimately win this election. Together, we can SAVE AMERICA. Please, will you pitch in just $5 right now to get Republicans over the finish line?


What’s going to power Neil to victory at this critical stage in the race is the grassroots support of Patriots like you. I hope I can count on your help at this crucial hour in our country's history.

Thank you, and God bless. 

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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