Tuesday, May 5th, 2020

Arrest the Governor

Article by David Hathaway.

CDC Keeps Nation in Lockdown Using Wrong Numbers

Article by Bill Sardi.

The Federal Reserve: More Lethal Than Coronavirus

Article by Ron Paul.

CD19 & Political Correctness

Article by Walter E. Block.

The Government’s Ten Commandments

Article by Laurence M. Vance.

Why Are Blacks Democrats?

Article by Paul Gottfried.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Destroys Big Pharma, Fauci, & the Pro-Vaccine Movement — YouTube

Turbocharging Exodus

US beats trade war drums to remove supply chains from China.

Hard Talk With Václav Klaus: ‘The People Should Say No to All of It’

Article by Claudio Grass.

Professor Neil Ferguson, and the Idiot Presidents and Prime Ministers Who Believe His Computer Predictions

Article by Jon Rappoport.

Beware the Pentagon’s Pandemic Profiteers

Article by Mandy Smithberger.

The Real Pandemic Is Insulin Resistance

Article by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

LRC Blog

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