Dear John,
Joey, short for Josephine, is only 8. But she’s already a force to be reckoned with.
She says blue is her favorite color. Why?
“Because my brother tells me that blue is only a boys' color. And I can tell him that it's really a girls' color, too.”
Joey’s a spitfire alright, but sometimes she struggles to keep her fire burning in the classroom.
Before she got breakfast at school, Joey often came to school hungry.
“I would feel sick, and I wouldn’t feel very good and it was hard for me to pay attention,” she told us.
On those days, “I didn't really do anything. I just sat at my desk and had my head down.”
Thanks to you, this bright second grader has a shot at a better future. It’s the difference school breakfast makes — the difference you make as someone who cares about helping hungry kids!
Hunger robs children of their childhood. And it threatens their futures as well, because hungry kids are more likely to struggle at school.
Thanks to your generosity, No Kid Hungry provided a grant and expert guidance to help Joey’s school start serving breakfast in the classroom. And for Joey, that made a world of difference.
“When I eat breakfast, I feel good, and I listen, and I do good,” she says. “And I have enough energy to play with my friends and have fun for the day.”
Breaking the cycle of hunger begins with breakfast. And in Joey’s case, it’s a breakfast you helped make possible!
Thank you so much for all you do to make sure kids don’t miss out on the meals they need to thrive.

Diane Clifford
Supporter Engagement
1030 15th
Street, NW,
Suite 1100 W, Washington DC xxxxxx
www.nokidhungry.org | [email protected] | Unsubscribe