Petition to the Government of Germany: Do not answer the U.S. call to join in Persian Gulf militarism. Instead, remove U.S. bases from German soil.


Tensions between Washington, London, and Tehran are constantly rising. Since the inauguration of Trump, the United States has pulled out of a nuclear agreement, stationed an aircraft carrier (and a carrier strike group which includes at least one submarine) near Iran, and imposed debilitating sanctions which constitute a war crime.

Further, John Bolton and Mike Pompeo have called for regime change and war on Iran. Now, the U.S. is trying to involve Germany by asking it to join the threatening presence in the Strait of Hormuz. Rather than answering the U.S. call, Germany must finally remove war-launching U.S. bases (and nuclear weapons) from its soil, and stop supporting any policy of sanctions, of economic warfare.

What we need is peace and reconciliation, only to be achieved through de-escalating tensions

and continuing with diplomatic efforts. We urgently need to return to a policy based on the principles of the UN Charter and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, the very foundation of international law.


Endorsed by Aufstehen Berlin-Mitte, Berliner Arbeitskreis Uranmunition, Aktion Freiheit statt Angst, World BEYOND War Germany, Aktionsgruppe Venezuela Berlin, Coop Anti-War Cafe, Mütter gegen den Krieg Berlin-Brandenburg.


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