Today, Karen Handel participated in the (virtual) Loudermilk Press Club debate for the upcoming Republican Primary in Georgia's 6th District in which she is the favorite. Based on what she said today, Handel sounds pretty confident:
"I am the only Republican who can beat Lucy McBath."
"2018 was a tough cycle for a lot of really solid Republicans in the district. What I know is -- Lucy McBath knows I’m winning, she’s already bringing in reinforcements, the polling has me up."
"I am winning, all the polls have me winning against Lucy McBath. And it’s clear Lucy McBath knows I’m winning."
John, that sure was a lot of talk, but actions speak louder than words.
We beat Handel by a close margin in 2018, and we're going to do it again in 2020. To do that I need your help. Will you pitch in $10 or $20 right now to help us show Handel and her national Republican backers that we're not going anywhere in November?
Thanks for all of your support. I couldn't do this without you.
With love,
-- Lucy