Dear Friend,

This morning, the Bloc Québécois gave an ultimatum to Justin Trudeau: if their two bills aren’t passed into law by October 29, they will align with the Conservatives to trigger an early federal election.

We need to be prepared for whatever happens next. With an election possibly around the corner, it’s crucial that we mobilize our resources and build a strong, impactful campaign. Here's how you can make that happen:

Let’s raise the funds to be ready!

Your support can make a big difference. A contribution today will help us prepare a robust, far-reaching campaign, and ensure that we have the resources to compete effectively in every riding.

Even a small donation can have a big impact:

$20 can help us reach hundreds of voters online

$50 can provide essential campaign materials for candidates

$100 or more can fund phone calls to engage directly with voters


Donate to the Green Campaign


Interested in joining the team?

Now is the time to step forward. We are actively seeking passionate candidates to run for the Green Party in ridings across Canada or volunteer locally. If you're ready to be a change-maker and propel the Green values, we want to hear from you.

Run for the Green Party

Become a Volunteer

Together, we can hit the ground running and build a more just, sustainable Canada – no matter when the election is called.

Thank you for your continued dedication to our shared vision. Let's seize this moment and create the change Canada needs.

For a greener, brighter future,

The Green Party of Canada

P.S. Time is of the essence. Whether you choose to donate, to run as a candidate, or to volunteer, your action today will have a lasting impact on Canada's future. Let's be ready for whatever comes next!


Donate Now | Apply to Be a Candidate | Get Involved as a Volunteer



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Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.