Folks, I know my team and I send a lot of emails.
So, out of all the emails in your inbox, why should you spend your valuable time reading this one?
Well, I have two reasons you should read this email:
1) My finance team just crunched the numbers. We’re falling short of our quarterly goal with just five days to spare.
2) I dug up some adorable snaps of four-legged supporters on the campaign trail and included them at the end of this email (Don’t scroll ahead!).
Our FEC finance report will show election analysts and my GOP opponent where our campaign stands weeks from Election Day. This is, by far, our most important deadline of the election. An election which will have extraordinary and lasting consequences for our nation.
So please, folks, bear with us over the next few days – and consider making a contribution to help put us over the top on our End-of-Quarter goal!
— Sean
And, as promised...