As an avid traveler within my own country, I often come across farms in the provinces of the Philippines. Often, I get a stark, heartbreaking reminder of the cruelty inherent in intensive agriculture. The filthy, overcrowded conditions. The claustrophobic cages. The fear and stress in animals’ eyes.
Seeing rescued animals be welcomed into a safe, nurturing environment—watching them blossom into their full selves, simply by experiencing kindness, love, and care for the first time in their lives—is an indescribable feeling. And it’s a feeling that drives my work today.
I’m Noa, Senior Open Wing Alliance (OWA) Asia Lead.
Trapped in a battery cage, an egg-laying hen will live her entire life without ever getting to spread her wings. Billions of hens spend their lives suffering this way. And the largest percentage of caged hens in the world are in Asia.
With a diverse political landscape and a patchwork of cultural attitudes about animal welfare, our continent has no shortage of challenges. That’s why the Open Wing Alliance is empowering member groups across the globe—including 14 different countries in Asia alone—all of whom are fighting for caged hens on the ground in the most localized, strategic way possible.
We’re tackling global cruelty with regional strategy. But that isn’t possible without the support of people like you.
It brings me so much joy to work with a community of such passionate, driven advocates—including you. We have to remember to congratulate ourselves for each and every success.
And then, we get back to work.
Noa Limpoco
Global Programs |
P.S. On a personal note, this movement means so much to me. As a passionate advocate for disability inclusion and gender equity, I understand how so many individuals’ experiences—both humans and non-human animals—can be “swept under the rug” to accommodate our society.
The intersection of animal rights with broader issues like environmental sustainability and social justice makes our mission even more critical. Will you join me in fighting for a kinder world for all?