This is serious,

Several GOP state attorneys general and the Trump Administration are plowing forward with plans to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and leave millions of Americans without insurance.

We are in the midst of an extraordinary public health crisis that has already claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Americans, thrown tens of millions of people out of work, and upended our economy.

Right now, we should be fighting to ensure everyone has access to affordable health care — not ripping it away. That’s why I’m back in D.C. this week working hard to ensure folks across the country have access to life-saving care as the coronavirus continues to spread, especially in rural communities.

Unlike the GOP, my top priority right now is ensuring you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy. I’m urging the Trump Administration to put aside politics and drop their attempt to strip millions of Americans of their access to affordable health care.

Now more than ever, we must come together to protect our health care. Will you co-sign my letter to the Trump Administration to show your support for our health care system?


Montanans, and millions of Americans, depend on the ACA for life-saving care. We cannot allow Republicans to throw these protections, especially coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, out the window during this difficult time.

This is an unprecedented crisis for so many families across the country. We will get through it together.

— Jon