[Header with Vote Forward logo]([link removed])
Hi there,
As we approach the October mail window for our voter turnout campaigns, we’ve officially crossed the 6 million voters adopted mark. We’ve been so inspired by this community’s excitement—especially when hearing stories of volunteers writing letters together and sharing the opportunity to write with others.
Today, we have a brand new way for you to harness that excitement and your community’s dedication to democracy.
[Graphic showing an example personal letter writing page]([link removed])
What is a [personal letter writing page]([link removed])? Basically, we’re making it super easy for you to track your collective letter writing progress with friends, family, and other passionate volunteers you know!
With a personal letter writing page, you can set your own letter goal, share your page with fellow potential writers, and collectively write letters and track your progress. These pages are a particularly great fit for existing groups in your life such as book club and community groups.
[Learn more about personal letter writing pages and then get started with setting up your own.]([link removed])
[Start your page]([link removed])
Have you already been writing letters this year? Since the goal of this page is to capture work done all year, any voters adopted in calendar year 2024—by you or those who join your page—will count toward your goal!
We can achieve our goal of writing 10 million letters to voters this year if we all work together to write as many letters as we can between now and the final mail deadline on October 29.
We hope you’ll enjoy writing with your family and friends to close out another great year in letter writing!
The Vote Forward Team
P.S. Have questions about personal letter writing pages, or about something else? Try asking our chatbot by going to [votefwd.org/contact]([link removed]) and clicking the blue “Help” button at lower right.
Our small team works tirelessly to develop new campaigns, analyze data, and improve the letter writing experience for volunteers like you. If you can, please consider [making a contribution to help sustain our efforts over the long term.]([link removed])
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611 Pennsylvania Ave SE #192
Washington, DC 20003
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