Dear John,

I just wanted to put the urgent email below back at the top of your inbox, just in case you missed it.

As you may know, our highly-effective minority voter outreach radio ads have been airing in key minority markets in crucial swing states since August, including our newest ads in Michigan supporting veteran John James for U.S. Senate.

John, if we're going to win this election, then it's absolutely crucial we stay ON THE AIR all the way up through Election Day...

...and the May payment is NOW DUE...

So please respond today with your most generous contribution.

I know I can count on you, John.

      For America,

          - John

P.S. My original message to you with more details is below...

Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A message from...
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

We need your help to turn this ship around!

You see, new polls show President Donald Trump and Black Conservative SUPERSTAR John James are currently LOSING - though very narrowly - in the vitally important swing state of Michigan.

Look at John James' numbers against incumbent Democrat Senator Gary Peters:

Recent polling shows John James within striking distance!

And look at this Quinnipiac poll showing a very close presidential race in Michigan:

Polls show a close race in Michigan between President Trump and Joe Biden

Of course, there's still 6 months until Election Day...

...but we MUST work hard to Make Michigan RED for President Trump!

...and we MUST work hard to elect Black Conservative Superstar John James to the U.S. Senate in Michigan!

So what's our plan to Make Michigan RED this election?

Run radio ads targeting African-American voters.

In fact, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC is currently running highly-effective radio ads on Black radio stations in Michigan and critical swing states and Congressional races across the country!

Since 2013, we have invested millions of dollars on radio, television, billboards, books, and issue guides targeting African-America voters and exposing the race-baiting lies liberals have been spoon-feeding them...

...and the results have been incredible.

Study after study has shown that our ads over the past few years have significantly improved Republican votes from African-Americans.

If we can take back just 17% of the black vote from Democrats, then it's impossible for them to win...

...and if we can convince 25% of Black voters to vote RED in 2020, we could create a massive RED TSUNAMI – up and down the ballot!

Chip-In $20.20 to Make Michigan RED ›››

That's not as difficult as it sounds considering 33% of black voters already call themselves conservatives and support conservative policies --- but they still vote for Democrats.

Making Michigan RED this election means touting President Trump's accomplishments for the Black community:

  • Record low unemployment rate for African-Americans
  • Federal funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  • Scholarships for African-American families seeking better quality schools
  • Ending the killing of unborn Black babies by appointing conservative judges

Captain John James went from flying Apache helicopters in Iraq to creating hundreds of jobs as CEO of multi-million dollar companyMaking Michigan RED this election means electing John James as Michigan's first African American (from either party) to the United States Senate...

Making Michigan RED this election means persuading enough African-American voters to stop voting for the failed socialist policies that have turned Detroit and Flint into poverty-stricken war zones...

Making Michigan RED this election means mobilizing the conservative grassroots army that got Donald Trump elected four years ago...

That's why we need to keep our hard-hitting radio ads on Black radio stations in Michigan up-and-running through Election Day.

John, can you please help us continue running effective radio ads in Michigan by giving a contribution of $20.20, $35, $75, $150 or more today?

Without the continued support of patriotic conservatives like you, there's no way we can keep our proven radio ads running...

...and the consequences of our failure in Michigan could result in the Democrats seizing control of the U.S. Senate and the White House --- giving them the power to force their entire socialist agenda on every single American.

So please make your most generous contribution to keep our radio ads up-and-running through Election Day...

...and please FORWARD this email to your patriotic friends and family-members.

Tell them how vitally important the swing state of Michigan is and how our effective radio ads will Make Michigan RED for President Trump and John James!

Remember, if the Democrats lose just 17% of the African American vote, they cannot win!

How much we can do is in your hands, so please respond today.

Thank you, John!  It's my honor to work beside you on behalf of America.

John Philip Sousa IV Urgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC



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Stars & Stripes Forever PAC, PO Box 1351, 22116, Merrifield, United States
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