A blue green and purple background with the words "Flipping the Script of Philanthropy: Putting Money and Power in Community Hands - Reflections from Bilal Alkatout, Interim Executive Director"

Dear John,

We're back with the second installment in our 40th-anniversary blog series! This month, Headwaters’ Interim Executive Director, Bilal Alkatout shares his reflections in "Flipping the Script of Philanthropy: Putting Power AND Money into Community Hands."  

For the past 40 years, Headwaters has been committed to doing philanthropy differently—centering community voices, shifting power, and funding bold social change. This month’s blog dives into how – and why – we turn this commitment into action in our work. 

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll find: 
✨ How we put decision-making power into the hands of those who know their communities best 
📊 Eye-opening data on funding gaps for BIPOC, LGBTQ, and Native communities in mainstream philanthropy – and what Headwaters is doing about it 
🛠️ Calls to action for YOU, whether you're new to our work, working in philanthropy, or someone who knows our work even better than we know ourselves! 

At Headwaters, we believe in more than just talk. With each blog, we're inviting you to take action with us. Ready to dive in?  

Join us as we commit to another 40 years of flipping the script on what philanthropy can and should be. 

In celebration, 
Headwaters Foundation for Justice 

2801 21st Ave S, Ste 132B | Minneapolis, MN 55407