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There have been a few changes to our Indiana primary as we continue to fight COVID-19, and we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this important information.  

Our new primary date is June 2nd, but the deadline to register to vote, or make sure your registration is up to date, is TODAY, May 4th. 

You can check your status at, and register or update your information.

Register to Vote

Once you’ve registered, you can request an absentee ballot, or vote early starting May 26. You can review your ballot and find your polling place at And of course, you can always vote on June 2nd!

It’s important we get this info to all Hoosiers so they can make their voices heard this election season. Will you take a quick minute to forward this to five friends or family members so they can check their registration? 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to vote. Electing strong conservative candidates is more important than ever as we look to leaders to guide Indiana through the public health crisis and to get Hoosiers back to daily life and work.   

See you at the ballot box, 

Indiana Republican Party

Register to Vote
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Indianapolis, IN 46204

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