From ADL Fighting Hate from Home <[email protected]>
Subject WEBINAR: COVID-19's threat to marginalized communities, with Marc Morial of National Urban League
Date May 4, 2020 8:43 PM
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Dear John,

The disproportionate consequences of COVID-19 on some of this country&rsquo;s most vulnerable communities are clear, tragic and cannot be ignored. That&rsquo;s why on this
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Thursday, May 7 at 2:30 pm ET/11:30 am PT we will be in conversation with Marc H. Morial, CEO and President of the National Urban League about the relationship in this country between race and poverty and how, during this pandemic, the most vulnerable communities have become so severely affected.

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this Fighting Hate from Home webinar, Morial will talk with ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt about the structural barriers to justice and inclusivity and the racial inequities evidenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, which are a tragic reminder that we are far from meeting ADL’s mission of a just society.

As mayor of New Orleans, Morial was a leader of that city&rsquo;s renaissance. We will explore how despite the gains made by civil rights movements, these inequalities remain steep and are exacerbating the impact of COVID-19, as these facts make clear:

- Black and Latinx individuals in New York City are twice as likely to die from COVID-19 as their white counterparts.
- In Chicago and Louisiana, where Black people make up about one third of the population, they account for 70 percent of coronavirus deaths.
- The Navajo Nation has more confirmed coronavirus cases per capita than every state except New York and New Jersey.
Additionally, the economic crisis brought about by COVID-19 is disproportionally damages communities of color because of institutional racism and systemic barriers to employment and access to education.

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WEBINAR: &ldquo;How COVID-19 Widens the Gaps for Communities of Color&rdquo;

Thursday, May 7
2:30 PM ET / 1:30 PM CT / 12:30 MT / 11:30 AM PT

Featuring Guest Speaker:

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Marc H. Morial

CEO and President of the National Urban League, the nation&rsquo;s largest historic civil rights and urban advocacy organization.

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Please sign up now to join us next week. You can send questions to our experts in the webinar’s chat tool. All registrants will be emailed a link to the recording to re-watch and share.

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Last Week&rsquo;s Fighting Hate from Home Webinar

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&ldquo;Viruses & Violence &mdash; Antisemitism in the Shadow of COVID-19,&rdquo; Deborah Lipstadt and Jonathan Sarna joined Jonathan Greenblatt to explore the dangerous forms of antisemitism that are reemerging during the coronavirus pandemic. They discussed the ways that old myths like blood libels, excessive Jewish power and Jewish greed are being recast today &mdash; for example, accusations on social media that Jews are profiting from coronavirus, or actually causing it. They pointed out that these assertions are coming from both the right and the left. And each of them found a compelling reason to be hopeful even in this painful time. To
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watch and share the webinar, go to our
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Fighting Hate from Home playlist on YouTube. You can watch each webinar in the growing series there.

What&rsquo;s Coming Up

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Please join us for this timely webinar with Marc Morial, and we encourage you to forward this email to your friends to join the ADL community on this webinar.

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