From Kelly Shackelford <>
Subject Breaking: School District Forces Transgenderism on Students
Date September 24, 2024 9:57 PM
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First Liberty

No child should be forced to speak a message that violates his or her
religious convictions.

Yet, that is exactly what's happening at La Costa Heights
Elementary School in San Diego, California.

In May, a fifth grade teacher at the school read aloud the book My
Shadow is Pink which urges children to question their own gender
identity. The book features a boy who sees his shadow as pink, which
the book describes as "your inner-most you." He then wears
a dress to school and his dad changes his beliefs and puts on a dress

After hearing the story, the fifth graders were forced to watch a
read-aloud video of the book with their kindergartener
"buddy" as part of the school's mentoring program.
Then they had to ask the kindergartner what color
"represents" him and draw the kindergartener's
shadow in chalk.

After learning what their children went through at school, several
fifth grade parents requested notice and opt-outs from similar
teaching in the future. The school district denied their request.

In response to this, First Liberty filed a lawsuit on behalf of the
parents urging the court to require Encinitas Union School District to
provide notification and opt-outs to parents and students when
promoting gender ideology.

Listen to First Liberty attorney Kayla Toney and our client Carlos
Encinas discuss the case and the impact of this event on his son.

Watch Now >>
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Encinitas Union School District is willfully disregarding and
violating the First Amendment rights of its students and their

The District is also ignoring state law that requires them to provide
notification and opt-outs to parents and students when promoting
gender ideology.

The state of California recognizes that it is the right of every
parent to guide and direct the religious upbringing of their children.

For a school district to deny parents that right...that's wrong
and illegal.

That's why First Liberty is fighting for the Encinas family.

And we won't stop fighting until the school district follows the
law and provides all parents with both advance notification and
opt-outs from teaching that violates their faith.

Will you stand with the Encinas family?

Your support will make the difference in the fight to raise our
children according to our beliefs.

Yes, I will make a gift today!
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Grateful for you, 


Kelly Shackelford, Esq.
President, CEO & Chief Counsel
First Liberty Institute

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