Hi John, it’s Chuck Schumer.

From now until Election Day, we each have a choice to make. I’ll explain more in a minute -- but if you've already decided which side of history you want to be on, please split $3 right now between the DSCC and the DCCC to fight for Democrats. >>

John, we both know what another Trump White House with a Republican House and Senate -- a MAGA trifecta -- would mean for this country: Lies, chaos, and leaders who only look out for themselves.

But Kamala Harris and Democrats across the country are running to build a trifecta of their own: one that promises progress, optimism, and results for the American people.

It’s hard to imagine a starker contrast.

But here's the reality: Republicans are running neck-and-neck with Democrats in battleground states we simply cannot afford to lose.

These races aren't going to win themselves, John. So here's our choice: Sit back and watch as MAGA Republicans creep up in the polls, or act.

We still have every shot at defending blue seats, defeating MAGA Republicans, and winning majorities in the House and Senate -- but that only happens if we step up right now. Not tomorrow. Not on November 5th. Today -- before the end-of-quarter deadline. So please, will you split $3 or more between the DSCC and DCCC to create the next Democratic trifecta? >>

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately and split between the DCCC and the DSCC.
Chip in $3 immediately >>
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Thanks for your help,

— Chuck Schumer

Chip in a weekly recurring $1 to elect House Dems >>
Chip in a monthly recurring $5 to elect House Dems >>

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