Rally with the Committee of Intern and Residents!

Dear Friend,


After voting 253-16 to form a union with the Committee of Interns and Residents (CIR) in March 2023, the resident physicians at George Washington University have been negotiating a first contract with GWU for over a year.?


Unfortunately, GWU's expensive outside negotiators have dragged bargaining out for months, while GWU has refused to agree to the salary and mental health benefits their residents and fellows need to care for themselves and their loved ones. The devastating cost of living crisis in the region has left many resident physicians suffering from widespread burnout and struggling to afford the rising costs of housing, food, and childcare, on top of their existing debt, which averages $200,000 for medical school graduates. Resident physicians at GWU care for all of DC. Now it's past time for GWU to care for their resident physicians.


Because of this, on Wednesday, September 25th 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, CIR members and allies will gather outside and around the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences (Ross Hall- 2300 I (eye) St NW) for an informational picket action along 23rd street NW to demand a fair contract. They are asking for our support! If you can come out for all or part of the action, please commit to attend here: https://secure.everyaction.com/kF8eX8UvqkqS1Bw8oUaEbg2?

We hope to see you there standing in solidarity with the resident physicians of CIR!


In solidarity,

Eduarda Serafim

Solidarity Organizer

DC Jobs With Justice