THE ONLY OFFICIAL EMAILS FROM TEAM OWENS Friend, Kamala Harris is an unserious candidate. Her administration created an invasion at America's borders, the highest inflation in four decades, and weakness on the world stage with two ongoing wars — all while Americans are making less today than they were four short years ago. Now she wants to be the candidate of "change." Give me a break! During the Presidential debate, ABC moderators couldn't be bothered to fact-check Kamala Harris' numerous lies… I know one thing for sure: Americans don't appreciate dishonesty. The fact is Americans are worse off under the Biden-Harris administration, and are reminded of their disastrous policies every time they fill up their car with gas or see the cost of groceries cripple their wallets. November 5th — Accountability is coming! We don't have much time left, and America First voters like YOU know what is at risk right now in our country. So please, Friend, don't miss this chance to help spread the word and make sure Kamala doesn't become President. Thank you, Burgess Owens UT-04 |