From Emily Cain, EMILY's List <[email protected]>
Subject Election Day is just 6 months away
Date May 4, 2020 5:22 PM
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Hi there,

The general election is only six months away. And there's a lot at stake.

We have the opportunity to take back the Senate, expand the House majority, elect more women governors, and flip state legislatures.

Donate $3 now to help pro-choice Democratic women win up and down the ballot in November:

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Now, more than ever, we need the leadership of pro-choice Democratic women to stand up for women and families across the country.

Our women are ready to protect the right to choose, expand affordable and accessible health care, and fight for our communities.

Your support today means helping them win big in November.

Donate $3 to help elect a record number of pro-choice Democratic women this year:

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Thanks -- and GO TEAM!

Emily Cain
Executive Director, EMILY's List


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