This week, many of us are spending time thinking about the idea of America.
What is our experience of America today? What is the America we want to be? And, how can we -- together -- get from where we are now to where we want to be?
In early June, Farhad Manjoo published a beautiful opinion piece in the New York Times titled “I Want to Live in Elizabeth Warren’s America.”
Below we’ve pulled some of our favorite excerpts from Manjoo’s piece. Can you take a few minutes to read it -- and ask yourself: Do you want to live in Elizabeth Warren’s America, too?
Warren’s approach is ambitious and unconventional. She is betting on depth in a shallow, tweet-driven world. By offering so much honest detail so early, she risks turning off key constituencies, alienating donors and muddying the gauzy visionary branding that is the fuel for so much early horse-race coverage.
She offers a plausible theory of the problem and a creative and comprehensive vision for how to address it.
And she has a plan to pay for much on this list, which might otherwise seem like a grab-bag of expensive lefty dreams: She’ll tax ultra-millionaires and billionaires — the wealthiest 75,000 American households — yielding $2.75 trillion over 10 years, enough to finance a wholesale reformation of the American dream.
Do YOU want to live in Elizabeth Warren’s America?
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-- The PCCC Team
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