On Friday May 1, Refuse Fascism activists carried out inspiring and heroic counter-protests against pro-Trump, white supremacist, anti-science, virulently mysogynist so-called “ReOpen America” rallies in NYC, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Boston, Seattle and Springfield IL to demand Trump/Pence #OutNOW.
In Los Angeles, counter-protesters from Refuse Fascism and the Revcoms persevered in nonviolent but defiant and determined protest while repeatedly being threatened and assaulted by violent fascist thugs. Then, Saturday, they protested outside Terminal Island Federal Prison, where 5 prisoners have died, and, as in many other prisons, the virus has spread to hundreds of prisoners and staff.
> > Tonight on Inside with #OutNOW LIVE, hear participants discussing the actions, and the relationship between a regime using every angle to consolidate their fascist power in society, and the "ReOpen America" Trump-supported protests.
Monday May 4 8:00 pm EDT / 5:00 pm CDT on Facebook. This week (M/W/F) the Daily Lives will consider your questions on what fascism is, and why says it moves with "direction and momentum." Get your comments/questions ready.
>> An key way to be involved - whether you're confined to home or not - is donating to amplify the "Trump/Pence Must GO NOW" message.
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> > Video from NYC
May 1 Actions Counter “ReOpen America” Rallies; Demand Trump/Pence #OutNOW
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An NBC News piece on Friday morning quoted Andy Zee, Refuse Fascism co-initiator, saying, “In a society where Black people, Latinos, and Native Americans are already dying at disproportionate rates, who do you think will be sacrificed in order to re-open America and get the economy going again?” Other protests on May 1st demanded protection for essential workers, prisoners, and immigrants held in concentration camps. They included protesters with fake body bags at Time Square in New York City; and nurses who stood in front of the State Center in downtown Chicago and held a banner telling the fascist rally, “Nurse Are Dying. Go Home.”
At protests it called, and united with, Refuse Fascism called out the Trump/Pence regime for using the COVID-19 crisis to intensify persecution of immigrants, subject prisoners to extreme risk of death, force people of color to bear the cruelest brunt of the crisis, and on top of all that, to advance moves drastically change how society is ruled – to implement fascism.
>> 2 minute video compilation:

> > Video

> > VIDEO from Terminal Island Prison protest
>> A big way to be involved - whether you're confined to home or not - is donating to amplify the "Trump/Pence Must GO NOW" message.
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