I believe that everyone deserves access to quality, affordable, health care. That's why I have been working to move our country toward implementing Medicare for All. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a critical stepping stone toward ensuring everyone has health insurance – and right now we're living in a reality where health care access determines everything from our individual well-being and the safety of our communities, to the economy.

The ACA is essential to combating COVID-19, and Americans should be able to rely on the landmark Affordable Care Act and its historic expansion of coverage. Instead, Americans are worried that Trump and his extremist allies will finally win their years-long battle to destroy the ACA. So I've joined a coalition to protect it.

Today, we're collecting 100,000 signatures in support of the ACA, will you add your name?

We need everyone speaking out to protect vulnerable populations' access to health care, especially during this moment of crisis.
