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MAKE US COUNT: Having an Accurate Racial and Ethnic Census

One person completing the Census isn’t just simply one count: it is a count towards something far bigger and impactful for their community. The Census comes only once every ten years and that could mean a great difference to all communities, but especially hard-to-count racial and ethnic minorities. Like how a puzzle is incomplete if a piece is missing, completing the Census is essential for racial and ethnic groups as civic representation and necessities rely on accurate data in order for that community to receive the funds, rights and voices that they deserve.
Arab Americans face more challenges when it comes to capturing an accurate picture of our community because we don't have a distinct racial designation on the Census. Having a distinct MENA category would have many benefits,  including drawing fair legislative districts, establishing federal affirmative action plans, validating claims of employment and housing discrimination, better understanding of health, employment and education trends, and better tracking of hate crimes and other civil rights violations. We have been advocating for our category and we will continue to make our voices heard in the future, until we have a category that represents us.
Arab Americans and other hard-to-count racial minorities are lumped in with categories that don’t represent their unique needs.  This lack of representation means researchers, legislators and many others face barriers when it comes to addressing our needs. Despite these challenges, members of these hard-to-count communities are finding responses that allow their ethnicities to be visible. They recognize that one uncounted individual is neither insignificant, nor will it not have a huge impact on the community as a whole; one is powerful, one is impactful and one is part of the whole bigger picture and without it, that picture can’t be recognized.
Pledge to complete your census form today, and ensure accurate representation! As you complete it, you may get to the race/ethnicity question and wonder where you fit in. If you do not see yourself in the categories, check out these examples of other ways you can respond and ensure your ethnicity is represented: 
Want to know more on why the Census asks about race? Concerned about your privacy and where this information is going? Check out on the Race and Ethnic group category and what it entails to learn more.
So will you complete the Census today? After you do, take our video challenge and share with us why the Census is important to YOU! If you’ve completed it already, spread the word to your community as a single count could mean everything not just for you, but as well for your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your city and communities across the country.

Need help completing the Census?

Do you or someone you know need assistance in completing the Census? We're here to help. Give us a call at 313-451-2011 and we can help you successfully complete the survey. Leave a message with your name and number so members of our staff can call you back if needed. 

Our communities have a lot to lose if they are not counted in 2020. While we must do our part to ensure everyone can participate in the Census, a full and accurate count ultimately starts with you. Stand up for Arab American communities by taking the pledge to be counted, even if you have already completed your census! 
Pledge to be counted today!

Already taken the pledge? Use our photo frame to show your Facebook friends that you're ready for Census 2020. Click here to view the frame.
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