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An independent inquiry is being launched into the Church of England's handling of allegations against a barrister who led Christian camps and allegedly
violently beat boys.
Hundreds of children have been turned away from their chosen schools due to strict rules on residence and religion. Some have been turned away from Catholic
schools because children from Catholic families are given first preference.
The University of St Andrews has accepted a £2.3m grant from a US religious organisation to teach 'science-engaged theology'. The NSS has warned that
accepting money from groups who promote a pro-religious agenda could undermine universities' credibility.
Changes to the way marriages are registered could lead to a devaluing of the Church of England's relationship with the state, according to a member of its
general synod.
US Republican politician Matt Shea connected close allies with a group offering training to young men in "biblical warfare" that includes how to use knives,
pistols and rifles, with lessons based in part on the teachings of a Georgia-based neo-Confederate pastor.
The Catholic Church is set to defy new laws that would punish priests with jail time if they refuse to report sexual abuse revealed during confession in the
Australian state of Victoria.
Khushbu Shah says in a poor, rural corner of Louisiana, getting an abortion is not only logistically and emotionally difficult, but a battle against poverty.
A Liberal Democrat peer described a protester as "a Nazi" during a council meeting, leading demonstrators angry over a local mosque to disrupt the session.
A new campaign video by the Noam party, which went viral on Tuesday evening among Hebrew-speaking social media users, compares Reform Jews, left-wing
activists and gay rights advocates to Nazis and Palestinian suicide bombers, saying all of them "want to destroy us".
Almost 200 years on from the Peterloo massacre in which peaceful protesters were cut down by sabre-wielding cavalry, a hastily scribbled note has been
unearthed to reveal what could be the first account of the bloodshed.
The film Peterloo is a reminder of the close links between the campaign for church-state separation and the push for a truly democratic society in
the 19thcentury and beyond, writes Bob Forder.
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