FACT: If everyone who received this email pitched in $1, we’d immediately surpass our quarterly goal with 1 week to spare — giving us a boost of support right before early voting begins in key swing states.


But we know that not everyone can donate today. The reality is only about 10% of people who receive this email open it. Less than 1% donate.

John, you’ve already defied the odds by taking a moment to read this message — and if you care about saving our Democratic Senate majority, we hope you’ll hear our plea.

Senate Democrats have to defend 23 seats this November, and if we lose even one, MAGA Republicans will take control and roll back the progress we’ve fought so hard to make.

We must defend every seat to protect our Senate majority!

Your support will make all the difference in winning battleground Senate races in states like Montana and Ohio. With 1 week left to meet our quarterly goal, rush in $1 or more to Defend the Senate >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Defend the Senate