In 2020, even as we elected Joe Biden and defeated Trump, Democrats actually lost seats in the House. With so much on the line in this election, that’s not something we can afford to repeat this year.
If we want Kamala Harris to pass her agenda -- on reproductive rights, democracy reform, gun violence prevention, housing, and healthcare -- we’re going to need to elect strong Democratic majorities in Congress. That includes taking back the House from MAGA Republicans, and according to the Cook Political Report, this where the race stands right now:1

The House is up for grabs and we’re honing in on the 18 most competitive districts to win back our majority. As you’re reading this, Indivisibles are already using Neighbor2Neighbor to knock on doors across all 18 of our target districts and we’re continuing to recruit new volunteers every day. We’re running a phonebank into AZ-06 and CA-27 on Tuesday and Indivisible groups are using our tools to call voters throughout the week.
We’re using the most effective tactics we have to reach the voters who will decide control of the House, but we can’t do this work without the support of grassroots donors. If you’re ready to make Kamala Harris the next President AND make Hakeem Jeffries the next Speaker of the House, then click here to pitch in and help us win a Democratic trifecta.
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We’re ready to win these races because we’ve been working to flip the House for the past two years. There is no off-season for Indivisibles. We work year-round -- holding rallies and protests, writing letters-to-the-editor, and running phonebanks and canvasses -- to promote progressive policies and candidates, expose the extremism of MAGA Republicans, and build power in our communities.
So when House Republicans tried to cut funding for Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, veterans, and schools, we made sure their constituents knew about it. When they continued to vote for legislation that undermined reproductive rights, we made sure their constituents knew about that too. And Indivisibles also worked to remind their neighbors that when Democrats were in charge, they passed historic legislation to create jobs, lower prescription costs, and tackle climate change.

All of the direct voter contact work we have planned for the next 44 days builds on the grassroots organizing we’ve done in these districts over the past two years. Now, in the final stretch of this election, we’re asking you to pitch in to support our groups and volunteers and help them get the job done.
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If you can’t donate today, that’s okay! Everybody has a role to play in winning this election, and you can find yours by clicking here to see our latest volunteer opportunities.
In solidarity, Indivisible Team
[1] “2024 CPR House Race ratings.” 2024. Cook Political Report.