The Birthplace of Religious Freedom, Virginia, Deserves Better.
While the Democrat led Congress sits at home, during this national crisis- rather than in their leading at their dutiful place in Washington - Governor Northam similarly is falling short of his duties to protect religious liberty. The VA Governor should open churches today

The notion that ABC stores are open for operation with social distancing... but a Virginia pastor - whose church was also practicing social distancing measures - has been criminally charged is a slap in the face to both the Constitution and the birthplace of religious liberty. 

Churches should decide whether to hold services themselves -- not Ralph Northam, nor the government.
Virginians deserve proper leadership. A return to results-oriented, conservative leadership is overdue. The responsibility of elected officials is to defend the constitution by representing their constituents. These days, the behavior of our elected officials does not accurately represent the core values of Hampton Roads.

If you agree - that Democrats at the federal and state levels are falling far short of their duties as representatives of we the people, then please consider making a donation to our campaign today.

We can win this seat back - with consistent support from people like you.
Let's win this seat back.
It's possible with you onboard.

With many opportunities available to volunteer, we have something for everyone. If you haven't already, please let us know you want to volunteer & we will get you going!

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  • Primary Day June 23rd 2020
  • Vote in-person at your city's Registrar Office, May 8th thru June 20th 
  • Apply for an Absentee Ballot
  • Vote in-person at your regular precinct on Tuesday, June 23rd
  • General Election November 3rd 2020