Mises Institute
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Politics Breeds Conflict while the Market Brings Peace
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The market always tends to bring people together in peace, neither compelling nor forbidding exchanges. This is why racists and despots prefer the state to markets.
The Fed Hits the Panic Button and Slashes the Fed Funds Rate
Ryan McMaken
The Fed is desperate for you to think that “this time is different.” Unfortunately, Powell can’t seem to come up with explanation of why that is the case.
Most popular this week
An Unprecedented Monetary Destruction Is Coming
If the government really believed you would be better off and more prosperous with their policies, they would encourage free speech because everyone would value their welfare improvements. They need to limit free speech because they know they will make you poorer.
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Milei Wants More Government Spending—For the Military, of Course
With this latest policy turn, the evidence continues to mount that Milei is more a typical conservative or “rightist” than he is a free-market libertarian in any meaningful sense.
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Smashing the Western Illusion of Democracy
When our ruling classes speak of “believing in democracy,” they are speaking of a romantic version of a form of governance that, in real life, is quite different than the sanitized version presented in our media. 
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Featured Podcasts
Why the Regime Hates Homeschooling
Ryan, Tho, and Jonathan Newman look at how the state and the media treat homeschooling and why parents are choosing homeschooling as an alternative.
How Government Propped Up Slavery
Joshua Mawhorter argues that slavery persisted largely due to government intervention rather than free-market mechanisms.
Warren Buffett, Dave Ramsey, and John Maynard Keynes Are Wrong!
The disparagement of gold as money has become standard dogma of the modern State.
Contrasting Views of the Great Depression
Bob Murphy presented this lecture at Mises University 2011.
The Law
How is it that the law enforcer itself does not have to keep the law? How is it that the law permits the state to lawfully engage in actions which, if undertaken by individuals, would land them in jail? These are among the most intriguing issues in political and economic philosophy.
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