I just made a very difficult decision

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After five new polls showed me neck-and-neck with my opponent Republican Deb Fischer here in Nebraska’s Senate race, Fischer’s campaign bought over $2 million in new TV ads against me.

Fischer and her corporate PAC donors have begun absolutely blanketing the state with TV ads, attacking me with ridiculous lies. We have an opportunity to win Nebraska’s Senate seat – but only if we can counter the lies and match them on the air.

That’s why I just made a very difficult decision and told my campaign we could begin airing our own TV ads a few weeks early, even though we don’t technically have all the money in our budget to do so just yet.

We’re taking this risk because we have to. Nebraska is now the closest Senate race in the entire country according to researchers at Princeton University. So I made an executive decision and took a bet that grassroots donors like you would come through and help us fill our $100,000 budget gap…

We need to do everything we can if we’re going to win this Senate seat and elect a blue-collar worker to be the 51st vote in the U.S. Senate. That means taking a few risks.

But if we're going to defeat Republican Deb Fischer and win this Senate seat, I’m counting on grassroots donors like you to help raise another $100,000 before midnight tomorrow, close our budget gap, and ensure our new TV ads can keep running.

I’m not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. Instead, I’m relying entirely on people like you to fund my campaign. Please, will you rush a donation to my campaign right now – every dollar you can afford – to keep our new TV ads on the air, defeat Republican Deb Fischer, and win this Senate seat?

Please use the links in this email to start a weekly donation through ActBlue:

There are going to be a lot of hard spending decisions like this between now and Election Day. I hope I can count on you every step of the way.

Thank you for everything you do to power this campaign,
