The Alcohol Policy Resource Center at Prevention First provides training, education, resources, and tools on evidence-based alcohol policy strategies to municipalities, local officials, law enforcement, and community coalitions focused on underage drinking in communities throughout Illinois.
Helping communities reduce underage drinking and alcohol misuse.
To reduce alcohol use among those who are 12-25 years old in communities throughout Illinois.
Celebrate National Prevention Week
National Prevention Week (NPW) is May 10th through the 16th; with Tuesday, May 12th celebrating the Prevention of Underage Drinking & Alcohol Misuse. NPW embodies community involvement, partner engagement, and resource sharing. In the spirit of NPW, the Alcohol Policy Resource Center would like to share some of our youth alcohol prevention resources.
Featured Resources
Alcohol Policies and Ordinances
National Prevention Week is a time to celebrate Youth involvement in your community. Youth are amazing partners for your prevention efforts. NPW activities can be planned and implemented by all by youth. This year may look different but it allows for you to embrace their online and distancing creativity. Youth can be involved in Policy efforts as well. The APRC has created a resource series dedicated to helping Youth find their Voice. The three resources are: Youth Partnering with Law Enforcement, Youth Educating Elected Officials, and Youth Educating on Policy.
The use of illegal ID’s to obtain alcohol and other identity-based crimes have been on the rise in recent years. Fraudulent ID’s can be easily purchased online, many times from overseas sources. Communities are encouraged to put in place consistent, hands-on measures to combat the use of Fake ID’s. We have developed a downloadable Fake ID Infographic to use in your community and with parents to share the issues related to Fake ID usage.

On Tuesday, June 9th at 10:00am, the APRC will host a free webinar on Illegal ID Detection. Register
Alcohol Policy Resource Center

Funded in whole or in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery through a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.