Hiring Line Newsletter

The one problem with immigration: there’s too much of it.

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Hiring Line Publication
Emancipation Reclamation

Roy has done it again with his groundbreaking new publication called the Emancipation Reclamation. It discusses the 1924 Immigration Act and how immigration reductions propelled African Americans into the Great Migration and the middle class.

They are out for delivery.

We mailed 19 boxes with a total of 2400 publications inside!

No interns were available today. Just Roy and me using manpower to get the job done.

We have nicknamed Emancipation Reclamation “ER24” and we’re distributing copies to NEW audiences. The hard copy will be available to you soon, but in the meantime, here is a digital copy of the new publication.

You can request a hard copy by emailing me at [email protected]

NUSA went to the DNC to distribute our new publication Emancipation Reclamation, Conduct Man on the Street Videos, and complete individual sit down interviews about the migrant crisis in Chicago.

We also did some sit down interviews that shook up the world!

Our project was featured on Fox News and the Daily Caller.

Here are the videos from the DNC trip below:

Here is the clip from the Jesse Watters Show on Fox News:

Here is the full video from all of the interviews below:

Here is an article that was run in the Daily Caller:

Our highlight video, and subsequent clips, now have more than 1.5 million views across the various social media platforms, with more than 50,000 engagements (Likes, comments, shares).

- Our YouTube video (full 11 minute version) has 225k views.

- The clips we posted on Instagram, and TikTok, racked up another 350k views.

- The video took off on X (Twitter), both from our NUSA Account, and another popular account that posted a clipped version, which received 400k views.

This is all on top of the viewers who saw it on Fox News, when Jesse Waters shared it on his show.

Share with US:

I don’t catch every sizzling or sensational news media.

Please share with us what you find interesting by contacting me at [email protected].

My greatest media posts have come from what others have shared.

This week a member from Ohio shared this article about the migrant crisis in Springfield Ohio and Findlay, Ohio.

Now, he shared it with me because he wanted to highlight the trend that First Diverse Staffing has been coming up in a lot of the controversy around the migrant crisis. He was trying to encourage some reporters and others to investigate their dealings.

However, look at what I found here:

This quote came from Mayor Christina Muryn. The migrant crisis has been difficult because of the misinformation that has happened during this election. It has definitely distracted from the real issues that people in Ohio are facing as a result of mass immigration. I understand that she has to lower the temperature due to the bomb threats, violence, and other issues. However, I do believe that some of the blanketed statements are common things people say about immigration. These misconceptions are helping to form our policies because many voters have very low understanding of immigration policy.

When we do a surface read of what she is saying, not much is wrong here. However, there are many generalized statements that hide the real issues with our immigration policy and the situation we are in now. I want to bring these vague statements to your attention because these are things that your neighbor, pastor, or elected official will say about immigration. We have a responsibility to share the resources we have with others so that they can educate themselves.

General statement #1 Our Immigration System needs fixing

What is she talking about here?

  1. We have effective policies but many are not being enforced.
  2. Many people ask for more border patrol and more technology, however we are not utilizing the resources we have now.
  3. People know that it is possible to work in America illegally and they are coming to fill jobs.
  4. Now they are being drawn in by housing, healthcare, snap benefits, and even education.

General Statement #2 Keep in mind that people have come here legally.

True statement.

  1. Many have come by claiming asylum.
  2. Some have come through TPS (Temporary Protected Status)
  3. No one in Ohio voted for all these people to settle in their town.
  4. The interpretation that the Biden Administration has taken for parole is way different than any other legal interpretation in the past.

General Statement # 3 They are looking for a safe place to live and find opportunities to better their lives.

  1. Canada, Brazil, Latin American, other countries in the Caribbean, and the Dominican Republic are other safe places for them to go.
  2. The number of them coming is having negative effects on American citizens.

General Statement #4 We can not allow fear, political rhetoric, and misinformation to cause our hearts to be hardened to people who are doing what the majority of our own families did: Come to America for a safe place and a new start.

  1. Desiring less immigration does not mean we are harding our hearts to immigrants.
  2. Polls have shown that most of the world would like to come to the United States.
  3. There are other safe places to start a new life around the world and the United States has taken on 51 million immigrants while the next highest country, Germany has taken 27 million.

Bottom line: the problem with immigration is there is too much of it. Tell Congress!

Let’s talk about it,

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