Test of Faith Summit

(R-L) Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, Faiths United to Save Democracy, Rev. Jim Wallis, Center on Faith and Justice, Georgetown University, and NRCAT’s Laura Markle Downton and Rev. Ron Stief at the "Test of Faith: A Summit to Defend Democracy" hosted by Georgetown University's Center on Faith and Justice on September 20th.

Dear Friends,

In this perilous election season, interfaith leaders are drawing on our religious traditions to come together to maintain the integrity of democracy in our nation. I am writing today to share with you a statement released this week that I signed along with more than 200 Christian faith leaders: Christian Faith and Democracy.

As a United Church of Christ minister, I have joined others in this statement to distinguish our Christian faith from the Christian nationalism that is being used to support white supremacy in this country. My faith calls me to welcome the stranger, to care for the widows and orphans, and to make the divine known by acts of love and hospitality. For this same faith to be used by so many this election season as an excuse for violence and bigotry against communities of color, immigrants, and the most vulnerable among us is unacceptable. Religious pluralism and religious freedom are pillars of any democratic society and must be guarded always. 

This week, NRCAT’s Director of Faith and Community Engagement, Laura Markle Downton, and I are attending Test of Faith: A Summit to Defend Democracy, a national conference hosted by Georgetown University’s Center on Faith and Justice, and co-sponsored by NRCAT. Faith leaders from across the U.S. are gathered here to discuss ways Christianity can be a source of faith to unite, not divide, the nation. These faith leaders are also unveiling the statement on Christian Faith and Democracy, which presents a theologically centered Christian defense of democracy and is open for additional sign-ons.

Drawing inspiration from our religious traditions, each of us has a role to play in protecting our democracy through prayer and public witness. I invite you to share the Christian Faith and Democracy statement with members of your faith community. 

NRCAT is also partnering with Faiths United to Save Democracy (FUSD) to help recruit Poll Chaplains/Peacekeepers for this election season. This nonpartisan, multifaith and intergenerational effort will play a critical role in ensuring that the November 5 election is fairly conducted and adjudicated. Poll Chaplains/Peacekeepers serve as a moral presence at polling locations – providing voter support through access to a dedicated voting rights hotline and helping to de-escalate conflict should it arise. If you are interested in serving as a FUSD Poll Chaplain in the 10 priority states of the campaign – AL, AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, OH, PA, TX, WI, I invite you to sign up for a training at TurnOutSunday.com.

Thank you for standing up for democracy in our nation and in our communities.

In faith,

Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director

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