Weekly transmissions from Adbusters, the journal of the mental environment
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Has it come to this? Forget Kool-Aid — bleach is now the fanatic's drink of choice. (Sadly, it must be said: do not ingest it. It doesn't cure coronavirus. You could die.) It should now be clear: Donald Trump is a menace to every living person on the face of the Earth. Where was the "fourth estate"? Who asked him tough questions? And why can't anyone call him out for lying? If journalists are too cowed to do it, then we the people need to hold the criminal-in-chief accountable.

Enough is enough. What would you #AskTrump? Fire off your questions on social media. Or let us know what you think: send us a direct message, email us at [email protected], or call us (our number is at the very bottom of this email). Feedback, submissions, and brainstorms are always welcome.
Article: Information Wants to be Free
Data is the most consequential commodity in the world. If you have access to it, but don’t need it, it has little value. But if you have no access to it, and desperately need it, it is priceless.
Article: Surveillance State / Surveillance Capitalism
The authorities can see everything people do, every move they make. This situation is comparable to George Orwell’s 1984 — except this is a more extreme version. The corporations know everything people do, every move they make. This situation is comparable to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World — except this is a more extreme version.
Adbusters Culture Shop
In the face of techno-tyranny, we must mount a resistance. Join the fight against the scourge of surveillance capitalism. Take back your mental space by force. Welcome to the Mental Liberation Front.
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Hoax. Hyperbole. Disease. Death. What scathing corona-questions would you ask the criminal-in-chief?
We're willing to go where the middling mainstream won't. Send yours to [email protected] and we'll put Donny on the spot.
For the Wild,
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