Progressive Party For the people - For real change

Progressives have to choose whether or not to support Joe Biden

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Progressives unify to support Joe Biden?

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Bernie Sanders is out of the race and with him goes the chance to have a Progressive in the White House.

There is absolutely no reason to think that Joe Biden would appoint a single progressive to his cabinet or pick one as his vice president. But Biden hasn’t made the slightest hint that he would pick a progressive for any important position.

Biden has said that he would consider a Republican as his vice president. He has promised to choose a woman. But none of those signals has ever been directed toward the left!

Now Progressives will decide what to do.

Please share with us your opinion, should Progressives:

  Align with Biden
  Sit-out the election in November
  Elizabeth Warren as vice president otherwise sit-out the election in November
  Others see comment

Your answer will allow us to better serve our members. It's simple and will only take one minute or less - Just press reply to this email and respond in the first line with either "ALIGN WITH BIDEN" OR "SIT-OUT" OR "ELIZABETH AS VP" OR "OTHERS"

If you have any comment about your choice or have any other opinion use the second line and any other line of your email to us. 

We thank you for devoting one minute of your time to decide on the next 4 years of our country.


The Research team at Progressive Party

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