Click Here to Submit Your Intentions: Three Holy
Masses, 9/21-9/23

Dear Friend,
If you are seeking an answer to
your prayers, give them to the saint known as the Tireless
Intercessor, St. Padre Pio, whose feast day is this coming Monday,
September 23. Beginning tomorrow, Saturday, September
21, three Holy Masses will be offered, invoking the intercession of
St. Padre Pio. Just click the
button below. Even if you have already submitted your intentions,
please feel free to submit new intentions:
Through this saint’s powerful
intercession, there have been healings from cancer, depression, daily
pain totally gone, restoration of eyesight, as well as healings from
numerous illnesses. People who had once lost hope regained their love
of Christ and the beautiful world we live in.
Be sure to join me in the prayers
that will be sent to you.
Let us invoke St. Padre Pio, who is
a mirror of the divine life and the helper of souls in doubt and
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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