At the Prospect, we don’t do paywalls. We believe our reporting should be available to everybody. A lot of wealthy media executives will probably tell you this is the wrong way to do business, but we think this is the way media organizations can best serve the public. We report on stories that we believe matter to you, and we want as many people to read them as possible.
Unfortunately, producing thoughtful
journalism isn’t cheap. Our small, scrappy team punches above its weight, but we still need readers like you to help us build on the work we do.
To deliver the high-quality reporting you expect from us during this pivotal election season, we need to raise $50,000 over the next several weeks. And with your help, we can get there.
Your support will help power our core editorial mission: telling stories about Ideas, Politics and Power. Your support is a vote of confidence in that mission, and we can’t do any of the work we're proud of without you.
Any amount you give today helps keep our website paywall-free.