Fighting for rhetoric that honors our immigrant neighbors ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Honoring Human Dignity??
Good afternoon,
Negative rhetoric seems to be a constant in discussions around immigration, with its frequency and potency heightened during election seasons. Harmful, false language about migrants during the presidential debate [link removed] last week, particularly aimed at the Haitian population in Springfield, Ohio, has ignited harassment and threats towards the Haitian community in Springfield and across the country.
Spreading falsehoods like these can easily be dismissed simply as political ploys to improve polling numbers, but we must remember the real harm this dehumanizing language causes to communities who want to live in peace and call the United States their home.
Polling [link removed] as recent as August shows that voters prefer political candidates who look for solutions rather than use negative rhetoric about immigrants. "In that light," Jennie Murray, National Immigration Forum President and CEO, says [link removed] "leaders must come to this conversation ready to find solutions that??honor our values??and elevate both security and compassion." (Read more about the National Immigration Forum's guiding values, including honoring the human dignity of all people, here [link removed].)
[link removed]
(Source: National Immigration Forum Twitter)
The actions of leaders and communities across the country, responding to this instance of dehumanization, confirm these polling results. Faith leaders [link removed], law enforcement officials [link removed] and even the Ohio governor [link removed] (a Republican) have been speaking up to support their immigrant neighbors and condemn this harmful rhetoric.
Earlier this week, we celebrated Citizenship Day, recognizing immigrants who have taken the steps to naturalize and take on more responsibilities as citizens of the United States. Immigrants are significant members of our communities, contributing in countless ways. Together, immigrants and U.S.-born Americans can build a future where everyone can thrive. Let's make sure our language reflects this vision and cultivates a culture where we seek this shared future together. And as always, let's keep advocating [link removed] for bipartisan legislation that is compassionate and honors the human dignity of all.
Stay committed and hopeful,
**Allison Bassett**
Field and Constituencies Manager
National Immigration Forum??
**RELIGION NEWS SERVICE:**Immigrants, pets and the sin of slander in an age of social media [link removed]
**CBS NEWS:**Ohio police dispute new allegations immigrants are eating pets in Dayton [link removed]
**COLUMBUS DISPATCH:**Springfield Haitian influx prompts action from Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine [link removed]
**REUTERS:**Biden plans to keep target of 125,000 refugees next year, internal report says [link removed]
**FLORIDA TODAY:**'Americans want immigration solutions, not chaos and stoked fears' [link removed]
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