Election Day is less than 50 days away. Between electing Gun Sense Candidates into the Oval Office and the more than 500 Moms Demand Action volunteers running in races up and down the ballot, we have a real chance to help gun safety win big this November.
But the gun lobby is spending massive amounts of money to help get their preferred candidates elected and stop our gun safety progress.
If we're going to succeed in securing a future free from gun violence by electing leaders who will strengthen our gun laws, then we're going to have to push harder than ever to counter the gun lobby. But we can't do that without your help.
Help us ensure gun safety wins big at the ballot box this year by making a $50 contribution to the Everytown Victory Fund.
Our communities, in cities and states across the country, are ready for more leaders who will address the epidemic of gun violence and stand up to the gun lobby's influence. With just 48 days left, the Everytown Victory Fund could really use your support to help us rally behind Gun Sense Candidates in critical races.
So please, make a $50 contribution to the Everytown Victory Fund today—Our gun safety future depends upon it.
-The Everytown Victory Fund