Are we the only ones still in shock
over Trump’s recent visit to Arlington? Seems like it came off as
horribly as it possibly could have.
First he stages a political event
there, which has always been a big no-no. Then he tries to film
TikToks in the most sensitive area of the cemetery. Then he upsets the
family mourning a fallen soldier by turning their visit into a photo
op. And finally, one of his campaign goons pushes a cemetery official
to the ground.
When you look at Trump’s record
with the military, it all makes sense.

How many ways can he express it? He
doesn’t care about the people who serve this country.
He dodged the draft. He called our
fallen heroes “suckers and losers”. He uses military headstones as a
political prop.
This man is scum. He’s the lowest
of the low. And even though he presents himself as “America first,” we
know what he’s really all about. Help
us make sure voters know too >>
-The Lincoln Project