Mises Institute
Thursday, September 19, 2024
The Fed Hits the Panic Button and Slashes the Fed Funds Rate
Ryan McMaken
The Fed is desperate for you to think that “this time is different.” Unfortunately, Powell can’t seem to come up with an explanation of why that is the case.
The Second Trump Shooter Believed Exactly What the Establishment Media Wanted Him to Believe
Connor O’Keeffe
The establishment seems uninterested in the motives of the would-be shooter.
The Roots of the Federal Reserve
Murray Rothbard presented this talk at Jekyll Island, Georgia, in September 1986.
The Collapse of Real Savings Caused the Great Depression
The collapse of real savings was due to loose monetary policies by the Federal Reserve.
An Economy So Strong It Requires Crisis-Level Fed Action
The Fed’s specialty is propaganda through data, with a long record of failure. This is by design.
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Understanding the Basics of Modern Banking
Banking systems around the world have huge effects on our lives, yet few people understand how banks work.
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Can You Understand the Fed’s Nearly $200 Billion in Losses?
If not, you are surely not alone. Since September 2022, the Fed has lost money every month.
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Contrasting Views of the Great Depression
Bob Murphy presented this lecture at Mises University 2011.
The Law
How is it that the law enforcer itself does not have to keep the law? How is it that the law permits the state to lawfully engage in actions which, if undertaken by individuals, would land them in jail? These are among the most intriguing issues in political and economic philosophy.
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