BREAKING from The New York Times: DeVos Excludes ‘Dreamers’ From Coronavirus College Relief


URGENT POLL: Do you approve of Betsy DeVos?

Team: As the coronavirus pandemic continues, we are seeing one cruel move after another by this administration. The latest comes from Betsy DeVos who moved to exclude DACA recipients from receiving emergency assistance designated for displaced college students in a coronavirus relief package. The ban even includes Dreamers who are currently under federal protection.

This is outrageous, and it’s an example of why Democratic AGs have been leading the fight against Betsy DeVos and Trump’s dangerous agenda. DeVos has worked to undermine student loan borrowers and make it less safe for students on campus. And now she’s targeting DACA recipients in the middle of a public health emergency.

Democratic AGs will continue fighting to protect ALL students, but to plan our strategy in the wake of this latest announcement, we need to hear from grassroots supporters like you. We’re going over these results tomorrow, and we need 14 more responses from your area to make sure we have enough data. Tell us right now:


Do you approve of Betsy DeVos?

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