Dear Fellow Patriot,
As Dr. Paul has warned for years,
authoritarians and statists rely on fear, panic, and apathy to
seize more and more control over society.
Well, the good news with this whole
coronavirus panic, and governments' responses, is more and more
Americans are embracing "the animating spirit of libertarianism,"
as POLITICO recently put it.
And some of the politicians are starting to
worry about the backlash as a result of their draconian
coronavirus decrees.
People are fed up with being under virtual
house arrest and are starting to see the authoritarian power
grabs as just that.
Protests sprang up the past few weeks in
Wyoming, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Kentucky, Oklahoma,
Texas, Wisconsin and Virginia, and more are planned next week
across the country.
And with Campaign for Liberty supporters'
help, we're working hard to make sure a new era of liberty not
only takes root but flourishes.
There's a lot of difficult work ahead though.
While it's quickly become clear the global
elites, Big Government statists, and authoritarian bureaucrats
blew this coronavirus crisis way out of proportion, they aren't
going to give up on their new found powers readily.
After all, the invisible coronavirus enemy
was all the excuse they needed for the Fed-created stock market
rollercoaster and funneling massive amounts of wealth to their
politically well-connected cronies.
And if you think they won't try to eek every
ounce they can from this crisis, you're dead wrong.
That's why I wanted to make sure you saw Dr.
Paul's recent column on the looming threat of forced vaccinations
and "Digital Certificates."
As Dr. Paul points out, politicians,
bureaucrats, and special interests have been after
federally-mandated healthcare IDs and databases for years . . .
and they are now taking it even further.
With 22 million Americans added to the
unemployment rolls in the past few weeks, millions more subject
to virtual house arrest, and many demanding an end to the
unwarranted lock-downs, it's not hard to imagine this is what the
authoritarians' plans to reopen America will involve.
Campaign for Liberty will keep you up-to-date
on this looming battle and our plans to fight back against these
power grabs. For now, please read Dr. Paul's column, and then,
forward it to your family, friends, and coworkers.
And chip in $50, $25, $10, or whatever you
can afford to support Campaign for Liberty's efforts to halt the
statists' assaults on our liberties.
[link removed]
In Liberty,
Heather Danielowski
Campaign for Liberty
Next in Coronavirus Tyranny: Forced Vaccinations and "Digital
by Dr. Ron Paul, M.D., C4L Chairman
In my first week in the House of
Representatives in 1976, I cast one of the two votes against
legislation appropriating funds for a swine flu vaccination
program. A swine flu outbreak was then dominating headlines, so
most in D.C. were frantic to "do something" about the virus.
Unfortunately, the hastily developed and
rushed-into-production swine flu vaccine was not only
ineffective, it was dangerous. Approximately 50 people who
received the vaccine subsequently contracted Guillain-Barré
syndrome, a potentially fatal form of paralysis. According to an
expert with the Centers for Disease Control, the incidence of
Guillain-Barré was four times higher among those who received
the swine flu vaccine than in the general population.
That sad history may soon repeat itself.
Right now, governments and private industries are working to
rapidly develop and deploy a coronavirus vaccine. Microsoft
founder Bill Gates, who is a major funder of these efforts, has
suggested everyone who receives a vaccine be issued a "digital
certificate" proving he has been vaccinated. Dr. Anthony Fauci,
whose record of wrong predictions makes him the Bill Kristol of
epidemiology, also wants individuals to carry some proof they
have been vaccinated.
Another authoritarian proposal floated to
deal with coronavirus is to force everyone to download a phone
app that will track their movements. This would allow government
officials to identify those who may have been near anyone who may
have had coronavirus. Such mandatory "contact tracing" is an
assault on our privacy and liberty.
Vaccines can improve health. For example,
vaccines helped reduce the incidence of diseases like polio. But
not all vaccines are safe and effective for all people.
Furthermore, certain modern practices, such as giving infants
multiple vaccines at one time, may cause health problems. The
fact that vaccines may benefit some people, or even most people,
does not justify government forcing individuals to be vaccinated.
It also does not justify vaccinating children against their
parents' wishes. And it certainly does not justify keeping
individuals and families in involuntary quarantine because they
do not have "digital certificates" proving they have had their
If government can force individuals to
receive medical treatment against their will, then there is no
reason why government cannot force individuals to buy medical
insurance, prohibit them from owning firearms, dictate their
terms of employment, and prevent them from taking arguably
harmful actions like smoking marijuana or drinking raw milk.
Similarly, if government can override parents' wishes regarding
medical treatment for their children, then there is no reason why
government cannot usurp parental authority in other areas, such
as education.
Proponents of mandatory vaccines and enhanced
surveillance are trying to blackmail the American people by
arguing that the lockdown cannot end unless we create a
healthcare surveillance state and make vaccination mandatory. The
growing number of Americans who are tired of not being able to go
to work, school, or church, or even to take their children to a
park because of government mandates should reject this "deal."
Instead, they should demand an immediate end to the lockdowns and
the restoration of individual responsibility for deciding how
best to protect their health.
Chip in here: [link removed]
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Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities,
contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions
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