Dear John,
Did you get a chance to watch the video Rachel Lane, our National Director of Client Services, shared with you a couple of days ago? If not, I encourage you to take a few minutes to go back and watch Lakeisha’s story. I know it will be a blessing to you!
Hope and help empowered her to be brave and she chose life for her daughter. So many around Lakeisha thought abortion was the right answer. They were pushing her to make an irreversible mistake.
But because of your support, along with fellow pro-lifers, a coalition of help surrounded Lakeisha. She was loved and served in her moment of need. In a nutshell, you gave hope to her family. Your support helped Lakeisha realize she didn’t want to make what she called, a “permanent decision based on temporary feelings.”
John, will you help more moms like her choose life today?
Her precious daughter Grace is a little over two years old now. And she is one of the lights of Lakeisha’s life! Because of you, Lakeisha will be celebrating Mother’s Day with Grace, rather than mourning the loss of her child. It’s all because you cared... Because you were there for her.
Can you imagine how different Mother’s Day would feel for Lakeisha each year if she didn’t choose life? If she didn’t have the support she needed to bravely step into the unknown?
Today, you have the chance to give the same hope to more families like Lakeisha’s. Will you stand in the gap to love and serve mothers like her today?
Right now is a pivotal time in the fight for life. The entire team here is praising God for tele-medicine. In spite of COVID-19, our virtual clinics have remained open. They have been increasingly busy serving women at risk to abort. These women are given IMMEDIATE lifesaving resources and professional medical care. They are showered with compassion as they grapple with an unexpected pregnancy.
And make no mistake, it’s even more stressful for so many women now, during this uncertain time. Job loss, economic struggle, and additional health concerns are just a few of the factors contributing to the increased burden.

That’s why your support is so critical, John. We don’t know the future, or how the COVID-19 situation will evolve. But we know the needs of women will keep growing. And that these mothers – and their preborn babies – need you now, more than ever!
Would you give more mothers the gift of life by donating toward the $150,000 lifesaving goal?
Thanks to a generous matching grant, your gift will be DOUBLED for every dollar raised up to $150,000! That means your gift of $50 today will automatically have $100 of impact. With the matching grant, you’ll reach more frightened women with hope. And you’ll help rescue more of their innocent children from abortion. It’s that simple!
For every story like Lakeisha’s, there are many, many more women in need. Women who were not shown love and cared for like Lakeisha. Many likely visited Planned Parenthood, where their babies were considered disposable. And not as beautiful gifts, made in the image of God.
With Mother’s Day around the corner, I can’t think of a better blessing to give than the beauty and blessing of motherhood. These moms need someone who will care enough to act today. Someone who will love them.
They need support... They need you, John.
Will you give your best gift and help today?
I know you won't regret rescuing more families from abortion!
For Life,
Brian Fisher