Team, look at this:

Morning Consult's poll shows Cory tied with Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, and Tom Steyer

Morning Consult is out with a new poll of likely voters in early primary states. In the almost two weeks since the last debate, we’ve shot into the top tier. In fact, we're now tied with Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, and Tom Steyer.

I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of people didn’t see this coming. Many of the pollsters and pundits never thought we’d get this far with so many other candidates in the race. When you’re an underdog campaign, breaking through in a field of well-funded frontrunners often seems impossible.

But we’re proving that when people come together and fight for something bigger than themselves, anything is possible.

This poll is just one more sign that our campaign has real momentum. What we all do right now will determine if we can keep it going. We’re $102,561 short of our mid-month fundraising goal with just a few days left -- this is one we can’t afford to miss.

Will you chip in right now and help our campaign turn the corner and ride this momentum?

Let’s meet this moment together,


PS - We might not have the fundraising advantages of candidates like Pete, Kamala, and Tom but we're now joining them in the top tier. That's because of you. Thank you.


Paid for by Cory 2020

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