From Salam Al-Marayati <>
Subject FWD: Announcing Ballots Against Bias Symposium: Countering Anti-Muslim Hate
Date September 19, 2024 12:44 AM
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Tickets on sale now. Secure your seat today!

Dear John,

In case you missed it, MPAC’s Ballots Against Bias Symposium is happening Saturday, October 12th at the Fowler Museum at UCLA in Los Angeles, CA. As our community continues to face a rise in hate crimes, threats, and anti-Muslim rhetoric, this event is a crucial opportunity for us to come together, educate ourselves through relevant policy discussions, and strategize actionable solutions to tackle Islamophobia head-on.

We hope to see you there!

In Service,

Salam Al-Marayati
President, Muslim Public Affairs Council

Tickets + Event Info Here ([link removed])
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From: MPAC
Date: Fri, Sep 13, 2024
Subject: Announcing Ballots Against Bias Symposium: Countering Anti-Muslim Hate

Dear Salam,

As our nation grapples with a renewed surge of Islamophobia following the events of October 7th, we find ourselves facing an unsettling rise in hate crimes, threats, and violence. American Muslims, once again, are being scapegoated for the actions of extremists, echoing the distressing aftermath of 9/11. This ongoing reality underscores the urgency of our work now more than ever.

In challenging anti-Muslim hate, MPAC is partnering with LA vs. Hate to host our Ballots Against Bias Symposium on Saturday, October 12th at the Fowler Museum at UCLA in Los Angeles, CA. We invite you to join us for a powerful day of discussion and action as we delve into the root causes of Islamophobia and its damaging effects on American Muslim communities. Through a series of policy forums, we will examine the resurgence of anti-Muslim rhetoric, explore actionable solutions, and highlight the vital role of voting as a tool for nonviolent resistance in the fight against hate and discrimination.

By exercising our right to vote, we can counter the hate-driven policies and narratives that have too often targeted our communities. Join us on October 12th as we come together to reclaim our voice, correct these dangerous narratives, and empower our communities through education, public discourse, and by showing up at the ballot box.
Purchase Tickets Here ([link removed])
Thank you for standing with us in this critical fight. We look forward to seeing you at the symposium and working together to create a more just and equitable future.

In Service,

Rebecca Husaini
Vice President of Operations and Administration, MPAC

P.S. We will transform the insights and recommendations from this symposium into a publicly accessible resource, ensuring that these conversations and actions can help lead to meaningful change.

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