In this installment of our monthly newsletter we talk about stopping annexation, our first-ever presidential endorsement, #GivingTuesdayNow and much, much more.
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Dear Friend,

Over these past few months, in Israel, the US and around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has cruelly robbed thousands of families of their loved ones. Millions have found themselves isolated from their friends and support networks -- and in too many cases, without work, healthcare or the support they deserve.

At J Street, we see this as a moment which calls for solidarity, compassion and the resolve to hold our community together. It’s also a time when our own work -- confronting the reckless agenda of Trump and Netanyahu and laying the groundwork for a bold new era of American diplomacy -- has never been more important.

In April, as part of our movement’s commitment to do everything in our power to defeat Trump at the polls, we were excited to officially endorse Joe Biden for president -- and to receive his enthusiastic welcome of our endorsement. And while working to help both Biden and our pro-Israel, pro-peace congressional endorsees win in November, we’re also confronting the very real threat that the Israeli government could begin unilateral annexation in the West Bank -- with Trump’s rubber stamp -- as early as July 1.

J Street is leading the mobilization of lawmakers and political leaders to help speak out and stop this disaster -- and to make clear that if annexation moves forward, it would have serious and damaging consequences for the US-Israel relationship.

Friend, we may be living in unprecedented times, but standing together we can still fight for our Jewish and democratic values and forge a path to a better future. From all of us at J Street -- working from our homes in cities across the country and around the world -- I want to wish good health and safety to you and yours, and thank you for being a part of this movement.

Logan Bayroff
Communications Director

Around J Street

J Street urges American leaders to outline clear opposition to annexation

Stop Annexation
J Street is proud to be a leading voice in rallying opposition to annexation and spreading awareness about its destructive potential impact. In doing so we represent the views and values of the majority of American Jews who are committed to Israel’s future as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people, oppose the extremist Trump-Netanyahu agenda and refuse to accept an action that would relegate millions of Palestinians to indefinite military rule without civil rights or any hope of self-determination.

With just under 60 days until the Israeli government can begin to move forward on annexation, we must ensure American lawmakers and leaders make clear that annexation would be disastrous for Israelis, Palestinians and the US-Israel relationship -- and that it would lead to real consequences. We’ve outlined several clear, concrete messages our leaders need to send before it’s too late:
  • American taxpayers won’t foot the bill for annexation;
  • The next administration will not provide diplomatic cover for annexation in international fora;
  • Additional measures will be considered to ensure the United States is not enabling annexation and to reaffirm America’s commitment to a just and sustainable two-state solution.
With our new Stop Annexation resource hub, we’re providing opportunities to take action, sharing important information on the threat of annexation and highlighting the overwhelming number of Israeli and American security leaders who are opposed to it. And as part of our “J Stream” series of exciting and timely webinars, we’re hosting briefings exploring all of annexation’s potential fallout.

In the days and weeks ahead, we’ll call on you to make sure your representatives are doing all they can to push back on annexation.
Visit our Resource Hub →

Joe Biden enthusiastically welcomes J Street endorsement

Biden at J Street
This April, J Street was proud to announce our first-ever endorsement for President of the United States, and to see it enthusiastically welcomed by the nominee:

“I’m honored to have earned J Street’s first-ever presidential endorsement,” said Vice President Biden. "J Street has been a powerful voice to advance social justice here at home, and to advocate for a two-state solution that advances Middle East Peace. I share with J Street’s membership an unyielding dedication to the survival and security of Israel, and an equal commitment to creating a future of peace and opportunity for Israeli and Palestinian children alike. That’s what we have to keep working toward—and what I’ll do as President with J Street’s support.”

It was a moment which “represents something much larger” for J Street than just an endorsement, Ron Kampeas wrote for JTA. “[It represents] a consolidation of the group’s influence among mainstream Democrats.”

In this election the stakes could not be higher and the choice could not be starker. While Trump has been a cheerleader for annexation, Biden has long championed a viable two-state solution and spoken out against annexation and settlement expansion. A fierce advocate for strong diplomacy and for the JCPOA, Biden has pledged to reverse the president’s disastrous Iran policy and rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement. And as he told our conference in 2016, he knows there is no contradiction between being progressive and being pro-Israel.

Read J Street’s full endorsement of Joe Biden for President of the United States >>

As part of our plan to make a major impact in November, we're planning to launch our largest-ever electoral mobilization, using cutting-edge virtual tools to help educate voters and get the word out for our endorsed candidates across the country.

If you're interested in getting involved, please become a J Street member today! Membership is free and it only takes a few seconds to sign up.

Help support J Street on #GivingTuesdayNow

In response to the unprecedented financial challenges facing organizations like J Street in this moment, May 5 has been designated as a special day of global giving. It’s called #GivingTuesdayNow. A J Street donor has offered to match all gifts that come in between now and the end of GivingTuesdayNow, up to a total of $50,000. With the clock ticking on annexation and the most important election of our lives just months away, I hope you’ll consider a gift to support our work.
Double your impact →

Staying connected through J Stream

J Stream
Shortly after entering this new era of social distancing and isolation, we launched J Stream, a new online portal hosting webinars and content designed to keep our movement connected, informed and engaged at this critical moment. We’re proud that already, thousands of J Street supporters -- along with leading members of Congress, activists and experts from the region and around the country -- have joined us online for discussions, training sessions and virtual events.

Over the next week, we’ll be hosting briefings on the pandemic’s impact on Palestinian refugees, a discussion with Rep. Deb Haaland on its effects on native communities in the US and more. To join us, visit the J Stream hub and register to participate (and don’t forget to check for new updates every week).

If you want to catch up on a session you missed, we’ve got you covered. The J Stream website hosts links to past video sessions, including:
  • J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami’s ‘Conflict 101’ presentation
  • Our discussion with Reps. Jan Schakowsky and Andy Levin on Capitol Hill’s response to the COVID-19 crisis
  • The Legal Impact of Annexation with Michael Sfard
  • The Israeli Opposition Fights Back with MK Yair Golan
  • US Sanctions Impact on Iran’s COVID-19 Catastrophe with Senator Chris Murphy
Visit J Stream →

Our Israel: The Israeli NGOs making sure no one is left behind

J Stream
Around the world, COVID-19 is posing an acute threat to society's most vulnerable communities. And around the world, civil society groups are stepping up to advocate and care for those in need. But it’s a battle many organizations are facing alongside growing budgetary pressure and increased uncertainty.

In a special installment of ‘Our Israel’, J Street spoke with leading Israeli advocates and organizers about how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted their communities, their work and the focus of their advocacy. From the Hand in Hand integrated school network to the Worker’s Hotline, from Gisha to the Israel Women’s Network, each group had powerful, inspiring stories to tell of how they’re stepping up to meet the moment and making sure no one is left behind.
Read this special Our Israel profile →

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© 2020 J Street | | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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