From Scott Walter <>
Subject the Left's latest plans to reshape 2020 elections
Date May 3, 2020 2:52 PM
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, I'm excited to share the latest from CRC with you:

Can you risk a joke about unions? ([link removed]
Ben Domenech, publisher of The Federalist, a conservative website, is (no joke) under investigation by the National Labor Relations Board for making a jest on Twitter. Mocking the left-wingers at Vox Media for trying to squelch their own workers' efforts to unionize, Domenech joked that he would send his employees &quot;back to the salt mine&quot; if they tried to install a union. In fact, no one at The Federalist is trying to unionize, but left-wing activists took offense and filed charges with the NLRB. CRC's Michael Watson explains&nbsp;here ([link removed] unions' efforts to silence employers are no joke.
Are you worried the Left is scheming to change America's election process? ([link removed]
...if so, you're not alone. Our friend J. Christian Adams is a conservative lawyer who's long fought for honest elections. He's dug deep in our InfluenceWatch ([link removed] website to document the Left's extraordinary efforts to transform elections this year. In his latest PJMedia column, Adams explains how the Left is weaponizing the coronavirus crisis to demand changes in election systems and spending hundreds of millions of dollars to skew the 2020 playing field. Articles like Adams' expos&#233; are why we built InfluenceWatch: So our fellow conservatives can better understand their foes -- and fight back. Read Adams' powerful article here ([link removed]
Has free enterprise failed during the COVID-19 crisis? ([link removed]
The Left is peddling the narrative that free markets are endangering the world and that we need unprecedented wartime-like planning and coordination to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. The reality is that catastrophic government failures in China, the United States, and other nations have allowed the coronavirus to become a crisis. Meanwhile, businesses are stepping up to save lives -- from producing ventilators and masks to rushing working test kits to market. Read the InsideSources op-ed by CRC's Jake Klein here ([link removed]
Which leftist foundation is trying to infiltrate the conservative movement? ([link removed]
The Hewlett Foundation originally supported genuinely charitable causes, but in the 1970s it began giving much more to left-wing/environmental causes. More recently, the Hewlett Foundation has assumed a quiet role as the premier donor to anti-Trump and eco-Right groups infiltrating the conservative movement. CRC's Hayden Ludwig dives into the details here ([link removed]

Featured Video

The Jones Act and How 100 Years of Protectionism Have Hurt You ([link removed] are all better off when American industries are strong, right? That sounds like common sense, but it actually depends greatly on how those industries are being strengthened--through their own success or government favors. If you look only at the narrow perspective of one industry, it&#8217;s easy to want laws benefiting them. But zoom out your lens, and you&#8217;ll see those benefits mean harm to all the rest of us.Watch our 3-minute video&nbsp;here ([link removed] the related blog post here ([link removed]

InfluenceWatch Podcast 117 The Left Wants
the COVID&nbsp;Economy ([link removed] this episode: ([link removed] You&#8217;ve heard of the Green New Deal, that socialist makeover of the American economy proposed by environmentalist radicals. More than a few people -- including this podcast, last week -- have noted that the economy envisioned by the Green New Dealers resembles the economy of . . . right now, in the middle of government-ordered shutdowns of all forms of normal human interaction that have put over 30 million people into the unemployment lines. Joining us to discuss that truth is Tom Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research.Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher. ([link removed] ([link removed] ([link removed]

As always, I welcome your thoughts on how we can better serve our mission of exposing the Left's activists and donors. E-mail me at, or call me at 202.464.2044.Best wishes,Scott Walter, President&nbsp;&nbsp; ([link removed] ([link removed]


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