Hey John -
We here at Arlington Young Dems are continuing to explore new ways to engage with our membership and our community by leading the way on how we communicate. This past week, we had our very first virtual general body meeting and received the highest attendance of any of our virtual meetings during our joint School Board Forum with Arlington Dems.
In addition, we have reached our $1000 goal for our COVID-19 relief fund! Now, we are looking to go above and beyond. The AYD Executive Board has officially voted to match the first $1000 donated. But we still need your help as we continue to assist our community.
Check out our upcoming events below:

Tune in for a joint AYD and Arlington Dems County Board Special Election Forum with candidates Chanda Choun, Barbara Kanninen, Takis Karantonis, Nicole Merlene, and Jimmy Rogers on Sunday, May 3rd at 1 pm via Facebook Live: facebook.com/arlingtonyoungdemocrats/live
Information on the Arlington County Board Special Election:
"The special election to fill the seat on the Arlington County Board that is now vacant due to Erik Gutshall’s untimely death has been set by a judge for July 7. Per the Arlington Electoral Board, political parties, including the Arlington Democrats, must nominate their candidates for the special election by May 8.
To meet this aggressive timeline, Arlington Democrats will select the Democratic nominee through a vote by the members of its Steering Committee and County Committee, which consist of elected party officials (including Precinct Captains), appointed party officials (including Precinct Leaders and Arlington Young Democrats officers), and Democratic elected officials who reside in Arlington. The vote will be conducted in accordance with this call to caucus and these caucus rules. The vote will be concluded by May 6, and the results will be publicly announced shortly thereafter. Individuals interested in becoming a candidate in the caucus must file this declaration form by May 2."
For more information, check out the Arlington Dems website: https://arlingtondemocrats.org/vote/special-election/
Questions, comments, concerns? Email our president, Dan Matthews, at [email protected]

Results of Resolutions Vote
Thank you to everyone who participated in our first virtual general body meeting last Wednesday and to all those who voted in the electronic vote afterwards. After receiving a total of 35 qualifying overall votes, the results are as follows:
Resolution Supporting Establishing a Federal Postal Banking System with Amendments - 30 ayes, 1 nay, 4 abstains. Resolution is adopted.
Resolution to Pursue the People’s Bailout With Amendments - 33 ayes, 1 nay, 1 abstain. Resolution is adopted.
Resolution to Support Service, Gig, Wage, and Health Care Workers in the Face of COVID-19 With Amendments - 34 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstain. Resolution is adopted.
Resolution in Support of an Independent Redistricting Commission With Amendments - 16 ayes, 18 nays, 1 abstain. Resolution fails.
To view a list of our currently adopted resolutions, please visit our website.

Arlington Young Dems will continue to host Netflix parties during this period of social distancing! On Sunday, May 3rd at 7 pm we will be watching The Polka King. The party link will be posted at 6:50 pm beforehand. Then join us next week where we will be viewing Becoming.
Movie Description: The rise and fall of Pennsylvania polka sensation Jan Lewan, who ultimately fleeced millions from investors through his polka-related activities.
You do need a Netflix account in order to access the Netflix Party Google Chrome extension, but you can also start a free 30 day trial with Netflix today! In order to download the extension, follow these instructions:
1. Open Google Chrome.
2. Go to netflixparty.com and click the “Install Netflix Party” button. Once you’re redirected, click “Add to Chrome” to install the Netflix Party extension.
3. To join a party, click on the party URL. Then click on the “NP” button next to the address bar to join the party.
We will also have a Google Hangout where we can live troubleshoot issues people may have and to add a video component for those who want that option.
Hangouts Link: meet.google.com/jbh-ypfq-qya
Join by Phone: +1 407-986-7048 PIN: 632 583 663#
Questions? Email our membership director, Izzie Taveras, at [email protected]

Join us for AYD's virtual town hall on Tuesday, May 5th at 7 pm with Northern Virginia Labor Federation AFL-CIO President Virginia Diamond interviewed by AYD Commerce, Labor, Tech, & Finance Caucus Chair Adam Chaikof on COVID-19 and Labor. You can watch this interview live and submit questions day of on our Facebook Live feed: facebook.com/arlingtonyoungdems
AYD is continuing our series of interviews and Q & A sessions with community leaders and experts to make sure you stay up to date and informed during this uncertain time. We will be broadcasting on Facebook Live at the beginning of each week and our guests will give updates from their respective fields and answer questions from our audience members. We will also be collecting these questions ahead of time via Google Form below.
Submit your questions here: https://tinyurl.com/virginia-diamond-town-hall

Join Arlington Young Dems for another virtual happy hour on Thursday, May 7th at 7 pm!
During this period of social distancing, AYD wants to make sure our membership still feels connected. We may be physically apart but we can still connect socially through a variety of digital platforms. In order to help accomplish this goal, the Arlington Young Dems have decided to host a virtual happy hour every other week as a time to connect, meet new people, learn how to get involved, and catch up with fellow young Dems! Everyone is welcome.
1. Masks & Mimosas: Join host Grace Barnhill for a night of self-care and self-pampering. Hang out with fellow YDs as you fix yourself a mimosa and relax with a face mask!
Hangouts Link: meet.google.com/tru-pswk-dkj
Join by Phone: +1 631-623-0089 PIN: 588 783 111#
2. Drunk History: Just like the show on Comedy Central! Join host Phil Kattato and share events in history as told by AYD members.
Hangouts Link: meet.google.com/mxv-iooy-wzc
Join by Phone: +1 901-399-8473 PIN: 962 759 850#
3. Virtual Game Night: Join host Ian White for a fun night with Jackbox Games! Everyone in the chat can play along by going to jackbox.tv on their mobile device. Games include Quiplash, Trivia Murder Party, and Guesspionage
Hangouts Link: meet.google.com/gxc-tasv-qop
Join by Phone: +1 585-491-9310 PIN: 944 372 597#
Questions? Email our membership director, Izzie Taveras, at [email protected]

The Arlington Young Dems have established a community fund which aims to assist local organizations on the front lines of COVID-19. While many of us may be able to work from home, there are a number of community members who do not have such a luxury. We have reached our goal of raising $1,000 and now we want to go above and beyond to support multiple organizations on the front lines withing our community.
The AYD Community Fund will support:
All donations will be divided equally among the four recipients.

We’ve rolled out a section on the AYD website dedicated to giving the most up to date information on COVID-19 resources for the community. We’re frequently updating guidelines from the Center for Disease Control, pulling in resources from the county government, and adding in new community service opportunities as we continue to build a coalition for good. Here are some of the resources on our site:
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please reach out to our president, Dan Matthews, at [email protected]
Community Highlight

**Photo via WAMU
On Friday, New Virginia Majority, an advocacy group for marginalized communities across Virginia, organized a car-based caravan across Virginia to advocate for pausing rent because of the economic impacts of COVID-19. NVM’s Rent Collection Protest was timed to occur on International Workers Day, or May Day--a day to recognize workers and petition for rights--as well as the beginning of the second month that rent is due after many Americans have become jobless.
Mustafa, an advocate with NVM, said, “A lot of us live paycheck to paycheck, some people are choosing between food and rent right now.” This is a recurring narrative across Virginia as unemployment rates soar due to the pandemic. The organization's members continue to emphasize how rent, the largest expense for most people, is stifling to low income workers in Virginia.
If there is a story you think should be featured, please email AYD Secretary Maya Jones at [email protected].