Briefing Call - "West Bank Annexation: A View from Jordan" with Dr. Marwan Muasher
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan views unilateral Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank – particularly of the Jordan Valley – as a step that would jeopardize its peace agreement and close relations with Israel
To better understand Jordan’s concerns about the prospects of West Bank annexation, join APN’s briefing call with Jordan’s former foreign minister and its former ambassador to Israel and the United States, Dr. Marwan Muasher:
Date: Thursday, May 7
Time: 12:00 noon (Eastern Time)
Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058
Participant Access Code: 147414
Dr. Marwan Muasher, who played a central role in developing the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and the 2003 Middle East Roadmap. is currently the vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He served as foreign minister (2002–2004) and deputy prime minister (2004–2005) of Jordan, as well as the Kingdom’s ambassador to Washington (1997 to 2002) and its first ambassador to Israel (1995-1996). Muasher played a central role in developing the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and the 2003 Middle East Roadmap.
Muasher is the author of The Arab Center: The Promise of Moderation (2008) and The Second Arab Awakening and the Battle for Pluralism (2014).
Listen to the insights of Israeli independent security analyst Yossi Alpher
On the APN briefing call this past Thursday, Alpher spoke to the prospects of annexation and other significant issues that come out of the emergency "unity" government guidelines agreed to by Prime Minister Netanyahu and Blue-White party leader Benny Gantz.
Go HERE to listen to an edited version of the call made into an APN PeaceCast episode.
Go HERE to listen to the entire recording.
Go HERE to read about this in the most recent edition of Hard Questions, Tough Answers, Alpher's weekly briefing written exclusively for APN.
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